Dry, cracked hands are normally a symptom of cold weather, so it can be alarming when hands feel particularly rough in the warmer season. There are many other causes of dry hands that can be easily prevented.
Harsh soaps such as dish soap can cause roughness and cracking. Soaps with synthetic fragrances, preservatives and sulfates are red flags. Look for words such as “mild” or “moisturizing” ingredients to keep your hands soft. Another good practice is rinsing the soap from your hands for 20 seconds with warm water.
Cleaning products can also dry skin, whether it’s a dust wipe or window spray. It’s important to wear gloves while cleaning around the house to provide a protective layer from the chemical ingredients. Be sure to apply moisturizing lotion to your hands after wearing gloves, too, because some glove materials can also dry skin.
The key to keeping hands soft and silky is to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Applying lotion is a good nightly practice. Hand lotion helps to lock in moisture. A key ingredient to look for in lotions is petroleum jelly. If you have questions about dry or cracked skin, schedule an appointment with Knoxville Dermatology Group by calling (865)690-9467.