Request an Appointment Online Request Form This appointment request form should NOT be used for emergencies. If you are experiencing a potentially life threatening emergency, please call 911 immediately. A scheduling coordinator will be in contact with you within 2 business days to coordinate your appointment date and time. Knoxville Dermatology Group’s online appointment request form is for routine appointments only. Patient’s Name* Date of Birth – MM/DD/YEAR* Phone* Email* Best Time to Call —MorningAfternoonEveningNo Preference Desired Appointment Day —MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayNo Preference Desired Appointment Time —morningafternoon Desired Appointment Location* —KnoxvilleSevierville Desired Appointment Provider —Lee B. Dittrich, M.D.Matthew C. Hanggi, M.D.George C. Keough, M.D.Susan Freeberg, M.D.Kimberly D. Vincent, MDAngela Smith, FNP-BCPaul Maben, PA-CAmy Browning, PA-CKatie Hageman, PA-CTammie Wampler, PA-CAshley Pierson, PA-C Brief Description of the Nature of Your Visit* Δ