April showers bring May flowers. Knoxville has seen its fair share of showers this month, leaving many hopeful gardeners ready to plant and garden. This is one of the most beautiful parts of spring. However, whenever you are working outside there is always a risk of running into poison ivy or poison sumac.
Poison ivy is identifiable by its three glossy leaves with pointed tips, and the middle leaflet is usually the largest. During the summer months, the plants can grow yellowish-green flowers in small clusters and grayish-white fruits. Poison sumac is very rare, and only grows as small trees or large shrubs in very wet areas, such as swamps, because their roots need to be in water. The stems are red and smooth with 7-13 smooth leaves growing on them.
Poison ivy and poison sumac both contain an oily resin called urushiol, which can cause an irritating rash when it comes in contact with your skin. The rash generally develops within 12-48 hours, depending on your sensitivity to the irritant and how much oil comes in contact with the skin. It can take several weeks for the rash to subside.
There has always been a myth that the rash is contagious from person to person. Good news – it is not! However, the oil can be transferred to the skin from clothes or other objects that made contact with the plant so you must be extremely careful.
You can soothe the itch by using a topical corticosteroid cream, using calamine lotion, taking cool showers or applying cool compresses. Sometimes this isn’t enough though, and if this is your case, our doctors can help. Remember to protect yourself while enjoying the great Tennessee outdoors! Call today at 865-690-9467.
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