You’re invited to our October Peel Party! Join us October 7th and 8th and get a chemical treatment for only $75. How do you know if you’re ready for a chemical treatment? Here’s the core details:
- Your chemical treatment will be based on the condition of your skin and the issues you want addressed.
- A chemical peel is a formula that eliminates damaged skin cells from the top layer of skin.
- There are different types of chemical peels ranging from gentle/superficial to aggressive/deep.
- Chemical peels can improve –
- Rough, dry skin
- Acne and blemishes
- Uneven skin tone, brown spots and sun damage
- Fine lines and small scars
- Enlarged pores
- Rosacea
To prepare for your peel, you should avoid all retinoids or aggressive skin care products for 1 week before your scheduled procedures. Most of our chemical treatments require at least an hour of your time, during which your skin might tingle. Recovery time varies and may include redness, tenderness and flaking. After your treatment, we’ll suggest products to help you get the most out of your refreshed skin.
If you are ready for a refresher, call us today and schedule a chemical treatment. Mention our peel party blog and save!
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