Ever felt like your skincare products don’t seem to work for you? It could be a matter of timing.
Ditching products too quickly
If you’re frustrated that your new anti-aging moisturizer isn’t doing its job, stick it out longer before switching. Bouncing from product to product may leave you with the impression that nothing works for your skin.
Always give a new product at least six weeks to produce a change in your complexion. One skin cycle takes 30 days [for new cells to reach the top layer of skin], so in order to see a real difference in texture, tone, and clarity, you need to use it for more than a month. If the product contains anti-aging ingredients, wait even longer. Your skin takes about four months to regenerate collagen and elastin.
Using too many products at once
If a new moisturizer is good, then the combination of a new serum, toner, and night cream must be better, right?
Not so fast. If your skin gets irritated after you use a handful of new products, you won’t know what’s causing the problem and assume they’re all irritating. Instead, start with one at a time, and integrate a new product every two weeks. That way, you’ll be better able to identify what’s aggravating you, or know what combination of them makes your skin go haywire. Plus, you’ll also save some cash by buying only what you need.
If you need more serious help with skin issues or something else that is troubling your skin, we are here to help. Skin health is an important part of total body wellness. Schedule an appointment today with one of our board certified physicians to get your skin the care it needs so it can reach its fullest, healthiest potential.
Contact Knoxville Dermatology Group at 865.690.9467.
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