Like the rest of our skin, our scalps contain oil secreting glands called sebaceous glands. These glands produce natural oils, called sebum, which gives hair a healthy shine. However, this oil can be overproduced, giving hair a greasy appearance. There are multiple factors that can cause excess oil including hormones, hair products, diet or daily routines.
Greasy hair can be an occasional nuisance or daily battle for some. Luckily there are a variety of ways to potentially reduce the overproduction of oil.
Be aware of the products you are using. Avoid shampoos that improve hair’s “shine,” as these products typically contain more oils and moisturizers. Also, avoid heavy products or conditioners that can cause buildup on your scalp.
Limit brushing and touching your hair. Messing with it can stimulate oil production and distribute the oil throughout, causing a greasier appearance.
Ensure that you are shampooing and conditioning properly. Rinse your hair thoroughly after using both shampoo and conditioner, and only apply conditioner to the ends.
If tips and tricks seem to fail, there may be another issue that is causing the excess oil. Oily hair can be a side effect of seborrheic dermatitis. This skin disease causes a red, itchy rash and dandruff on your scalp. If your oily hair is accompanied with any of these symptoms, try using over-the-counter dandruff shampoo or consult a dermatologist. To schedule an appointment with Knoxville Dermatology Group, call (865)690-9467 or visit our website.
Martin says
Hey, Thank you for sharing this guide about oily scalp. I am currently facing oily scalp problems. But the tips and remedies that you mentioned it are quite helpful to me. Thanks for sharing keep updating.