If you looked into your makeup bag right now, would you find a tube of neon lip gloss or bright blue eye shadow from the nineties? Old makeup isn’t just bad style, old makeup can also be bad for your skin. Aside from expiration dates and common sense, here are some tips on when to say, “Let’s throw it away!”
To keep it simple, use the 3-6-9 rule when deciding which beauty products need replacing.
3: You will want to replace products used daily every three months. Things like loofahs, mascara, liquid eyeliner and your toothbrush. These products have more moisture than shadows and powders and are therefore more susceptible to growing bacteria. Purchasing these products at the same time is an easy way to make sure you’re replacing them when they should be.
6: Products that are less likely to harbor bacteria should be replaced every six months. Products like foundation, blush and bronzer have a longer shelf life and can last longer. Keep foundation in a cool place to prevent melting and separation. For blush and bronzer, pay special attention to brushes you use for application. It’s not necessary to replace brushes every six months, but be sure to give brushes a thorough rinse and clean every now and then.
9: The remainder of your products last at least nine months. Eye shadows and lipstick will last the longest of your beauty products. Trends and fads will probably force you to switch before expiration dates. These products will be fine to use for at least nine months, but consider switching for style’s sake around the one-year mark.
Are you experiencing signs of dry holiday skin? During the holidays, or anytime throughout the year, skin health should be taken seriously. Please call us today at 865-690-9467 if you have any questions about your skincare routine or changes in your skin. Schedule an appointment with one of our board-certified physicians to get your skin the care it needs so it can reach its fullest, healthiest potential.
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