Knoxville Dermatology Group > Warts 101: the Grinch Can Have ‘Em

Warts 101: the Grinch Can Have ‘Em

December 22nd, 2014
Knoxville Dermatology Group

Don’t let the possibility of warts deter you from reaching out to shake your uncle’s hand or to show off that new engagement ring during the holidays. Though they are stubborn and seem to pop up with no warning, they can be easily treated!

First, be aware that it is possible to spread the infection. Don’t pick at your wart, as this can cause it to spread to other parts of your body. Also, if you have an open wound, be especially careful. Warts can be contagious and passed along to others if an infected person comes in contact with an open wound.

There are many over-the-counter remedies, but nothing knocks out a wart quite like a visit to a trusted dermatologist. Two popular in-office treatments are cryotherapy or lasers and electrotherapy. One uses extremely cold temperatures and the other uses heat to cauterize the water. Both are equally effective and depend on your preference and the stubbornness of the wart. Schedule a consultation with one of our certified dermatologists, and we’ll help you ward off the warts!

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