Is Your Skin Budding?
Of course we’d all like to think our skin is as fresh and colorful as a flower bloom, but that’s not the kind of budding that happens to your skin. Friction-caused skin growths can appear as buds of skin on your body. These are known as skin tags.
Cutaneous skin tags are harmless growths typically found on the neck, underarms or eyelids. It’s thought that these growths are caused by skin rubbing against skin, pushing excess skin into a “bud”. You could have a couple here and there or even up to a hundred. And although they are harmless, sometimes skin tags can get irritated by your clothing.
If they continuously bother you, the best way to get rid of skin tags is to consult one of our certified physicians. There are several ways to get rid of them and you can discuss the best option for you. And don’t worry, another “bud” won’t spring up after removal.
If you have any questions about skin tags and removal options, please call us today at 865-690-9467. Skin health is an important part of total body wellness. Schedule an appointment with one of our board certified physicians to get your skin the care it needs so it can reach its fullest, healthiest potential.