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Face masks can be very beneficial to your skin, and are often recommended as an essential in basic skin care routines. Everyone’s skin is different, and while it’s easiest to pinpoint what to do for dry or oily prone skin, it can be hard to find a fit for combination skin. Here are some types of face masks for anyone with combination skin to ease a few of the challenges.
Gel masks
These masks can be good for all skin types, but are especially great for combination skin. Gel masks are typically oil-free and have a gel consistency that hydrates the skin without excess oils. At a naturally cold temperature, gel masks can also soothe redness and sunburns. The cooling features of these masks are calming and will treat your face to the relaxation of a spa.
Clay masks
Oil-absorbing clays are used in these types of masks, making them ideal for combination and oily skin types. These masks are great to use if your skin has been leaning more toward the oily side and needs some absorption. As they dry, a tightening effect causes a cleanse and close of the pores. This will leave your skin looking healthy and protected.
Sheet masks
Soaked in different hydrating ingredients, these masks are made of thin cotton sheets and are applied like a seal over the face to get hydration into the skin. Sheet masks are typically oil free, so they provide hydration without adding unwanted oil into your pores.
If you would like help determining the best routine for your skin, call Knoxville Dermatology Group to set up an appointment today at (865) 690-9467.
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