Typically when talking about fungus, you immediately think of things like bread mold and mushrooms. A more serious fungus among us is nail fungus. Unlike its plant and food-related counterparts, nail fungus can cause infections in your nail beds that can be very painful. You should know the symptoms and when to act before it becomes too serious.
Nail fungal infections can be in one or more of your nails and often your toenails. The infection begins as a small white or yellow spot on your nail and progresses deeper into your skin. As it spreads, nail discoloration, thickening, crumbling edges and pain can occur. Not only is this unsightly but when left untreated, these infections can increase in pain and even result in loss of your nail completely.
One reason this occurs is from another fungal infection like athlete’s foot. Debris buildup under the nail also causes a fungal infection along with diminished blood circulation, psoriasis and warm, moist environments. If you have any sort of skin or nail injury, like a damaged nail or cut, be sure to clean and protect these injuries especially when they are on your feet. Enclosing these injuries in your shoes without proper care can also allow for a nail fungal infection to occur.
As soon as you notice any yellowing, thickening, loss of shape, nail distortion or discoloration, contact one of our certified physicians to schedule an appointment. Over-the-counter products will not help you treat a nail fungal infection. Although it may take 2 to 3 months, prescription antifungal medicines may help clear the fungus. Laser treatments are another option for fungus removal. Speak with one of our physicians to know what options are best for you.
If you have any questions about any changes in your nails, please call us today at 865-690-9467. Skin and nail health is an important part of total body wellness. Schedule an appointment with one of our board certified physicians to get your skin the care it needs so it can reach its fullest, healthiest potential.