Some things aren’t outgrown with age, and acne is definitely one of those things. Just when you think you’ve made it through the hormonal roller coaster that is adolescence, adult acne rears its ugly head. So, what’s the deal?
Your pores can get clogged regardless of age. The buildup of dirt, excess oil and dead skin cells is no stranger to adulthood and unfortunately will still cause those troublesome bumps to appear. Even in adulthood, your jawline, chin and neck appear to be more affected than your forehead, cheeks and nose – just like in adolescence.
We can still experience the hormonal fluctuations that cause acne, but what triggers breakouts in adulthood look a little bit different. Instead of missed homework assignments and upcoming prom proposals, we have to stress about balancing work and life, getting food on the table, paying bills and larger life issues. Managing our hormone levels is one part of the balancing act, but we also need to follow the right skincare regimen. Call one of our certified dermatologists and schedule a consultation today! You’ve been through adolescence once already. It’s time to graduate to your best skin ever! We’ll help you get there.
If you have any questions about adult acne or about changes in your skin, please call us today at 865-690-9467. Skin health is an important part of total body wellness. Schedule an appointment with one of our board certified physicians to get your skin the care it needs so it can reach its fullest, healthiest potential.