Skin tags can be pesky, but almost everyone will develop at least one in their lifetime. It’s possible for a person to have multiple on different parts of their skin. Although annoying, skin tags are harmless.
Skin tags normally occur where there is skin-to-skin friction or where clothing rubs against the skin – such as on the neck, underarms, groin, eyelids and upper chest. They are tiny patches of skin elevated from the regular skin surface and connected by a skin stalk. Skin tags are more prone to show up on people of middle age, overweight or suffering from diabetes. However, they can also appear on all ages and are can be passed genetically.
It is not possible to reduce your chances of getting skin tags, although weight loss can help. Additionally, the removal of skin tags isn’t necessary and usually only occurs when the skin tag is a cosmetic problem. It is possible for a doctor to remove a skin tag if it is absolutely uncomfortable for a patient to keep it.
For more information on what exactly a skin tag is or to have one removed, visit our website or call (865)690-9467.