Believe it or not, your delicious holiday dinner may be packed with much needed vitamins and nutrients for your skin. A helping (or two) of your favorite holiday foods can help keep you glowing as you hop from party to party. Turn your holiday dinner into a feast for your skin by grabbing a plate full of these tasty foods:
Packed high in antioxidants, cranberries can help with a variety of skin conditions, including acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema. Because excessive amounts of sugar can be counterproductive to creating that glowing look you want for the holidays, choose a cranberry recipe with little to no sugar if possible.
Green Beans
Pile on the green beans because these vegetables are rich in Vitamin C. Every day, you expose your skin to free radicals lingering in the air, and Vitamin C can help to repair the damage. A green bean casserole is the perfect side to every holiday meal.
Pumpkin is a favorite flavor during the fall and autumn months, but did you know that it also packs loads of skin-helping power? The bright orange color of pumpkin results from high concentrations of beta carotene. When digested, this antioxidant converts into Vitamin A, which helps prevent wrinkles and keep your skin moisturized. Our favorite pumpkin dish? A slice of pumpkin pie, of course!
Red Wine
Help yourself to another glass of red wine and say a toast to younger looking skin. Red wine has an abundance of polyphenols with anti-aging benefits. That’s just one more reason to give thanks this season!
Sweet Potatoes
Like pumpkin, sweet potatoes also contain beta-carotene. But just one serving of this root vegetable contains 200 percent of your daily dose of Vitamin A! Vitamin A promotes new skin cell growth, which means brighter and healthier skin. Not to mention, sweet potatoes are packed with fiber to help clean our digestive tract of toxins and waste. Say bye-bye to breakouts and hello to another helping of sweet potato casserole!
Regardless if you prefer your turkey deep-fried or roasted, opt for a serving of dark meat turkey! Dark meat found in turkey legs contains loads of riboflavin and zinc. Your body uses zinc to create protein and thus promote skin collagen synthesis.
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